Gotta Love That Summer Is On The Horizon!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

This is Really It! I Promise!

Now that this middle school year is winding down to a close, you can reflect on the highs and lows of your experiences this school year. What are the highs? What are the lows? Write about three highs and three lows that impacted you this school year. You must write one paragraph for each high and each low along with an introduction and a conclusion. Yes, that means you have to write 8 paragraphs! Pick your jaw up off of the floor, don't roll your eyes or say anything awful, make this a fun adventure down memory lane. Share with all of us about your middle school experiences this year! Have fun! Write with amazing flair, description, and personality!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Assignment Number Six...This is It!

For your final project grade, I want you to critique your own blog site. Is it dynamic? Has it gotten boring? Can I update my background? Can I add new pictures, polls, blingies, etc? What can I do to make my blog stand out above all of the other blogs?

Write one more post about any topic of your choosing. Your topic should tie into the theme of your blog. The topic should definitely display your personal connection to the topic.

Make sure your blog is as perfect as it can be! Happy blogging!

This assignment is due Monday!

This is your final blog be EXCEPTIONAL!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Writing Assignment Number 5

For your next assignment, you will upload an image to your blog through a post. You may choose any appropriate image you want, you do not have to select one of the pictures posted here. After uploading an image to your blog, you will write a 5-paragraph story about what you think is going on in the picture. You must write a thesis statement in your introduction, and you must include topic sentences. Your style of writing may be what you choose it to be. You can create narrative fiction. You can write using dialogue only. You choose.

To search for an image, visit any of the several image search engines (such as: google, bing, etc.).

The more your image/picture has in it, the more opportunity you will give yourself to write a dynamic piece.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Some Blogs to Check Out!

Some interesting things are being posted to various blogs in the seventh grade! Here are just a few I think you should check out:
Day Dreamer wrote a great creative writing piece...very entertaining!
Just Live With It shares amazing words of encouragement...great advice!
Aerospace and Mathematics Arsenal...visit this site to bump up your IQ several notches!
Psychotic Lemur posted Miles' best writing yet...truly dynamic!
Basketball has written some pretty entertaining posts...hilarious!
Life as a Texas Girl wrote a great creative writing piece...really draws you in!
These are just a few that I think you should visit. They are dynamic. They are amazing. Great job!

Assignment Number Four Part 2

Are you ready for more? Same instructions as the Part 1: cut and paste the questions to a post on your blog, answer in complete sentences, and then publish post on Tuesday (today at the end of class).

1. Who has pictures of themselves on their blogs?

2. Who wrote, "I am working towards a better walk with God and trusting Him will help me to trust others again too," on her blog?

3. Who learned contemporary dance this year?

4. "To live this life I need a heartbeat. To have a heartbeat I need a heart. To have heart I need happiness. To have happiness I need you." Whose blog shares these heartfelt words?

5. How many blogs have posted polls? Of the polls that have been posted, which is your favorite?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Assignment Number Four

Now that you have visited all of the blogs of your classmates, you are ready to embark on your next mission! I hope you read every little thing every single person're definitely going to need to be knowledgeable about what your classmates are writing about. Cut and paste the questions below to your blog page, and then answer each question to the best of your ability. Hint: the following questions are about both 7th grade classes, so you're going to have to visit some new blogs in order to answer all of the questions. And, yes, you must answer all of the questions.

Here you go: You must answer in COMPLETE SENTENCES, or you will not receive any credit for this assignment.
1. Whose blog has a Beatles header?

2. Who wrote about influences?

3. Who has a summer count down clock posted on their blog? Hint: There's more than one.

4. Who is going to own who on the basketball court?

5. Who has been to Cancun?

6. Who has a cousin that plays in the NFL?

7. Who is flyguy899?

8. How many blog pages have PacMan available to play?

9. Who has movie trailers available for viewing at the click of a the mouse?

10. Whose blog title is a "Sound of Music" song?

11. Who has played "Jazz Band Jubilee" this school year?

12. Who wrote in a blog post, "You don't forgive people because you are weak, you forgive people because you are strong enough to know how to."

13. Frederick is...?

14. Who wrote, "Make Your Words Come To Life With Vivid Description," on their blog?

15. Who is Chancho?

16. Which band or artist pops up most on the 500 most popular albums and songs list?

17. What colors are the pentagram?

18. Who's going to cheerleading camp this summer?

19. How many blogs have Justin Bieber playing on their playlist?

20. Pickles Gone Wild wants you to feed what?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Writing Assignment Number Three!

Congratulations! You are becoming an efficient blogger!
There are two parts to this assignment...
Before you begin the writing portion of this assignment, I want you to go into the "customize" section of your blog, and then click on "add a gadget" in your sidebar. You will scroll down and then add the "Blog List" gadget to your page. Then you will select "add item" and a URL box will pop up. Type in and click add. Click "save" and then view your blog. You will see a link to the class blog,, on your own blog page. This link will allow you to access all of the blogs in your class with ease.

For your third assignment, you must view the blogs of each of your classmates (the seventh graders that are in your period) and post a comment on each blog. You can say anything you want as long as it is positive, encouraging, and appropriate for school:) Make sure you are keeping track of the blogs you've visited and the comments you've posted. You must visit every blog in your class! Remember: this is writing class, so your spelling and punctuation are important and they count! Be awesome! Be amazing! Be blog crazy!