Gotta Love That Summer Is On The Horizon!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Writing Assignment Number Three!

Congratulations! You are becoming an efficient blogger!
There are two parts to this assignment...
Before you begin the writing portion of this assignment, I want you to go into the "customize" section of your blog, and then click on "add a gadget" in your sidebar. You will scroll down and then add the "Blog List" gadget to your page. Then you will select "add item" and a URL box will pop up. Type in and click add. Click "save" and then view your blog. You will see a link to the class blog,, on your own blog page. This link will allow you to access all of the blogs in your class with ease.

For your third assignment, you must view the blogs of each of your classmates (the seventh graders that are in your period) and post a comment on each blog. You can say anything you want as long as it is positive, encouraging, and appropriate for school:) Make sure you are keeping track of the blogs you've visited and the comments you've posted. You must visit every blog in your class! Remember: this is writing class, so your spelling and punctuation are important and they count! Be awesome! Be amazing! Be blog crazy!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is really creative and funny. Those pictures are funny at the beginning of your blog. You crack me up ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
