Gotta Love That Summer Is On The Horizon!

Friday, April 30, 2010

First Writing Assignment!

Okay, now that you have completely bedazzled your blogs (sorry boys), you are ready to begin your first writing assignment.
1. Click on the "customize" button on your blog site
2. Then click on the "new post" in the top right corner
3. Enter a title name
4. Move your curser to the content box and begin writing your first assignment

What's the Assignment?
Here you go...

You must write 1 complete paragraph, containing at least 7 sentences, about YOU! Tell your audience anything you want us to know about you. What do you like? What are you doing right now? What do you want to do later? What bugs you? What thrills you? It's up to you to share what you want to share. You writing should be captivating, dynamic, and creative. Don't bore us! You're amazing, so write with amazing style!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Assignment Number Three!

Now that your header and your background are finally done, you are going to spend quite a bit of time adding gadgets to your blog page. Go to the "customize" tab of your blog page and click on it. Then, experiment with all of the "gadgets" you can add to your blog page to personalize it and make it POP for your readers! You will be graded on creativity for this portion of this project. BE CREATIVE! EXPERIMENT! This should be fun! Remember: your blog should reflect you, your theme, your intersts, your favorite things, and more!
What to do:
1. Each "gadget" has a different set of instructions to follow, so you're going to have to follow them as you experiment and figure things out for yourself with trial and error (of course, you can always ask me for help!).
2. You can search for blog "blingies, buttons, pictures" and more on the internet.
3. Some sites to visit (again mostly for girls! Boys, I love you! I need to get a grip and research more boy stuff. Please share with me what you find, so I can post it here!): glitter graphics, that blog place, the cutest blog on the block, and there are so many more.

Add a lot of eye catching gadgets to your blog. You can add games, videos, blingies, and so much more! Make it dynamic!

Assignment Number Two!

Now that you have your header taken care of, you are going to experiment with finding a free blog background. There are many, many, many available sites where you can locate free backgrounds.
1. Go to the Google search engine and type in "free blog backgrounds" and then search for what you think would be the best choice for personalizing your blog (for girls: thatblogplace or thecutestblogontheblock are great sources; boys, I'm still searching for a great location for you!).
2. After choosing the perfect background, follow the instructions:
*You are going to need to locate the "code" which the website will have available to you on the blog background page.
*Highlight the entire code and then click "copy" in the "edit" tab
3. Return to your blog and click on "customize"
4. You will need to click on "add a gadget" located in your sidebar
5. You will then add a "HTML" gadget
6. When the box pops up, skip the Title box and click in the "content" box
7. When your curser is in the content box, click "paste" and the code you copied for your blog background will appear.
8. Make sure you SAVE the changes and then view your blog! Your background should be visible. If not, check the computer in the front of my classroom, it will be there!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How to Add A Picture to Your Blog Title

After you have chosen a template and you are ready to begin designing your blog layout, follow these instructions to complete your first assignment.

Assignment Number One:
1. Click on "Customize" in the top right corner of your blog page
2. Click on "Edit" in the Blog Title/Header box (bottom right corner)
3. Now write one paragraph describing for your readers what your Online Magazine/Blog will be about. Your writing should be dynamic, and it should engage your readers immediately! Spelling and Punctuation count!
4. Add an image to your Blog Title/Header box
5. First, locate images on Google images and save them to your desktop
6. Then, click the "Browse" button located underneath your blog description box and locate the picture on your desktop and double click to load the image
7. Click "Save" then view your blog and your picture should be visible behind your Blog Title and Blog description

Part Two of Assignment Number One:
1. Click on "Customize" again and then click on "Layout" in the top left corner of the screen.
2. Click on "Fonts and Colors" and a window will pop up where you can choose different fonts and different colors for the various text locations on your blog. Experiment until you find a combination that fits! Don't forget to click "Save" then view your blog and you should your colors and fonts come to life!


If you are struggling with anything, please post your panic in this post. I will respond as soon as I can. I check the blog everyday, I will get back to you! Make sure you are following all of the instructions in the posts. Check the title post for instructions regarding what you are looking for. Happy blogging!